Lanzarote Weather Forecast

Lanzarote weather forecast from the Weather Channel.
Click on 10-day for a 10 day forecast of Lanzarote at

Windguru weather forecast.
Click on the Winduru logo will take you directly to Windguru-Lanzarote 7 day forecast.

Magic Seaweed surf forecast.
Click on the image will take you directly to Magic Seaweed.
Tide chart is also available at Magic Seaweed.

US Navy surf forecast.
Click on the image will take you directly to the US Navy world oceanography forecast.
To see this you have to accept the blocked content message.
To see the US Navy webpage you have to ignore the security message and go there.
This image is NOT actual present conditions, is only for reference of website.
Click image to go to FNMOC

Moon Phase

Live web cams at this link

Tips about weather and island activities:
Know before you go...
It almost never rains here in Lanzarote, but the wind is a major factor.
Waves, tides and wind have a big impact on any shore activities (tides have a big difference of about 2 meters).
Being a dry desert zone, temperature can drop quickly in the evening and when is cloudy.
Wind almost always blows from the north-east which is what gives such great weather conditions. Great to enjoy just about any activity if the wind doesn´t get too strong.
If the wind gets from the east / south it can get really hot and turn into whats called a Calima with hot dusty wind from the Sahara desert nearby in Africa. Great for enjoying any ocean activity to cool off. If the hot wind gets too strong in the summer is better to enjoy the black lava beaches of the north-west coast to keep cool.
If the wind gets from the west / north-west is almost guaranteed that is going to rain on and off.
Many times is cloudy on the north / north-west of the island and at the same time is sunny in the south / south-east. But there are days when its the other way around.
Go trekking and biking on a cloudy or windy day to keep cool in the summer; but in the winter its OK on sunny days.

Have fun